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A Silver Lining

reflections Nov 02, 2020

Honestly, I cannot believe that the month of November is here already, in just another 8 weeks we will be saying “2021.” This has been one long year, long and hard and most people are not sure how we made it here, but I am so thankful to say Happy November to you 💖. 


When everyone talks about 2020 there is a lot of negativity associated with it, with good reason……its’s weird I never thought I would use the words “negativity” and “good” in the same sentence but hey it is 2020 so anything is possible, I guess. But seriously this year has been long and hard and filled with a lot of pain, sadness, anxiety, and uncertainty.


With how difficult this year was, it is hard to find a silver lining. I know there were days when I was like “I am going to be positive, all is well” and boom something new happened that month, and the cycle of positivity and bad news continued all year round. Some lost lives, some lost jobs, political tension, racial divide, social unrest, mental and emotional struggles. It has been a year that will be remembered in history.


As a child of God, I had questions about why…..I will go into that a lot more on another day but I found that in the midst of all of that, God was present and doing a lot of things. In this year I have heard of people celebrate milestones, have new babies, get new jobs, start new businesses, experience healing, restored relationships, new adventures, and much more. This had made that bible verse true…..when others say there is a casting down in that season for some there is also a lifting up.


As we approach Thanksgiving and the end of the year, I am hoping we can be intentional about what we do in the next 8 weeks. I believe we can approach the last 8 weeks of this year with a new perspective and that perspective is one of gratitude. What are you thankful for looking back on this year 2020?


-What can you say went well in spite of the chaos?

-What can you say you are grateful did not happen this year?

-What can you say you are grateful happened this year? 

-What good things have happened in your life this year? 

-What milestones have happened in your life or business this year? 

-What is your fondest memory from this year? 

-What is one thing you had never done that you did this year? 


The list of questions is not exhaustive but what I want you to do is make a list of what you are thankful for in this year 2020. As I said, the negativity of this year is obvious, but I want you to dig deeper beyond the bad and look for the good, find the diamond in the ruff, the silver lining and you will see you have something to be thankful for, so much more than you think. 

Join me this month and choose to find something to be thankful for each day 💖. 


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