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Love and Living In The Supernatural

love reflections supernatural Jul 05, 2023

I was doing a study today on living in the supernatural as I was preparing a message to share at my church for the communion service. The more I read up on the word “supernatural” it took me down paths of realms and dimensions of the Spirit but I knew this was not the direction God wanted me to go. In my prayer time, I asked the Lord to show me what I needed to share and all I heard from Him was “Read the word and keep studying it will come to you.” So I did just that, I read and studied and in that process, while jumping from one screen to another on my phone between the you-version app and other webpages with scriptures focused on the supernatural, there in the middle of it all I started to write. I came across the scripture that spoke about keeping in step with the Spirit from Galatians 5 which is where the fruits of the Spirit are highlighted.


I felt the impression on my heart by the Holy Spirit….. “Shile do you know walking in love is one of the ways you live in the supernatural!” I paused for a second, knowing this was not a moment to absentmindedly move ahead; I read the scripture again and asked myself how so. How is “simply” showing love one of the ways to live supernaturally? It was almost as though the Holy Spirit said “I am glad you asked.” Just then I started to hear God speak to me about it and show me more of His heart. He reminded me that the factor that helps us to live a supernatural life is the person of the Holy Spirit, and if the Holy Spirit is the key to a supernatural life one of the fruits, or evidence of the Spirit is Love. He started to show me that while we can desire to do great and mighty things we consider “supernatural” if the love of Christ for others is not in our hearts then we are not keeping in step with the Spirit and therefore we are limiting our ability to live supernaturally. The miracles, prophesy, and healing without love are nothing.


I had never considered love to be an agent or even used in the same context of living supernaturally; I thanked God for speaking to me and added this as a point for the message but I knew in my heart God wanted me to expend on it more than a passing point in the message, this was to be a major theme. The next day, I joined EPR (Eshters Preparation Room a virtual women’s prayer gathering that happens the first three days of every month) and Pastor Nike Isreal Bolarinwa said something that I knew was a confirmation of what God had been speaking to me about the connection between love and the ability to walk and live by the Spirit. She read John 17 where Jesus was telling God that He has done everything God sent Him to do. Jesus spoke about us to God praying for us that we may remain in love. There is a place where the move of power and the spirit and living in the supernatural is activated by the love we have for people. She then pointed out something so significant that I touched on in a message I shared earlier this year about how the compassion of Jesus moved Him to action. I had never considered before what she said but it confirmed in my Spirit what God was saying to me the day before and what he taught me about the power of compassion months ago.


Jesus was moved to compassion and then it caused him to heal, Jesus activating his power of healing through the Spirit at that moment was Him living supernaturally because healing is supernatural, and it is by the Spirit. What came first was compassion which is birth from the place of love for others and then the healing and miracle followed. So what we should desire is not simply to be people who exhibit gifts of the Spirit but people of love who walk by the Spirit. Living in the supernatural is walking in love, living in the supernatural is living in love, because God is love. Pastor Nike shared something a few days before about the power of God; she shared that there is Exousia power which is the authority Christ has given us when he said in Matthew 28:18 that all authority has been given to you. However, he said in Acts 1:8 that you will receive power when the Spirit comes upon you, that was Dunamis's power; which is the power that comes from the Holy Spirit.


This means then that when the Holy Spirit rests on us, He gives us the ability to express the authority that we have been given which is also the ability to walk and live in the supernatural. “When we express our authority power, we tap into the power of the Spirit to move and bring demonstration. In other words, when express our Exousia power we are able to tap into Dunamis power.” I had to pause when Pastor Nike shared those words and I was seeing how what God was speaking to me from the message preparation was making sense.


What the Spirit of God is showing me through all of this is that love is such an important part of living and walking supernaturally and in fact is the key because if the Spirit of Christ bears the fruit of love then we who are in Christ can only live supernaturally by walking in step with the spirit, in other words, walking in love. It is no wonder the enemy is so focused on causing strife, offense, dissensions, factions, anger, bitterness, and these things because he knows you and I cannot fully live the supernatural life and walk by the Spirit if you are not walking in love. This is also why in 1 Corinthians 13 we see Paul say that the ability to perform miracles and prophesy without love is nothing. This means that in order to exercise our authority in Christ and live the supernatural life we ought to make love the priority because from love other things shall flow. We see scripture tell us in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that the greatest of these is love. Matthew 14:14 “Jesus was moved to compassion and he healed” is coming alive to me more now; because we see that love has to be an anchor in which we live the supernatural life.


I believe God is not even done yet in showing me more about this revelation on love and how His power and our ability to love is a key factor of living and walking by the Spirit and living a supernatural life. We see Jesus in John 17 say for us to be one with each other, to be one with him and have his love in our hearts. This passage was a prayer of Jesus for us and we see him emphasize the need for love and oneness, why was this so significant for Jesus to pray this for us? There is more He wants to show me here about love, I pray that I am alert to see it and I pray you also have been stirred to see love differently because when we don’t we are not able to fully lay hold of the authority we have to walk and live in the supernatural.


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