Aug 08, 2023I have been studying the book of Nehemiah for some weeks now, and I am fascinated. The interesting thing is this is not my first time in the past year studying this wonderful book. At the start of July, I felt God leading my heart to study this book again. At the time I assumed why; because I was in a building season. Not a season I knew I would be in, not a season I anticipated, but as God will have it I am building. So when I felt the nudge to study Nehemiah I was like…..okay God I see you. But I had no idea how involved the Book of Nehemiah is.
I find it so interesting how I can read a verse, chapter, or book of the Bible and see very different things each time. When I say fascinating, this book has been fascinating. I am not trying to rush it either. I am taking it step by step, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. I am doing my best to sit with it and reflect on it and it has sometimes taken me up to a week to get through one chapter. Even though I have not done it daily I never imagined that a book with less than 13 chapters will take me over a month to get through. Nehemiah is such a rich book, I am learning about leadership, focus, vision, prayers, faith, dealing with adversity, perseverance and so much more. One thing that I have underlined is that Nehemiah was a man of faith and action.
I ask myself questions as I read this book and reflect on the type of leader God is making me be. As I study this book I am looking for the obvious and the not so obvious, I am looking to hear God’s heart and to understand the person who He is. I would love to go chapter by chapter and break down some of my key takeaways from this book, but I know time won’t permit it. Besides, I am also writing this so you can do a deep dive yourself. I promise you, that you will learn so much from this book. I am only in chapter 8 and I can’t wait to see what God continues to reveal to me.
One thing I know is that at another time in the future, God is going to lead me back to this book, and each time I will get a revelation that I did not have before.
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