The Little Things
May 22, 2023While taking a walk someday in the summer I saw some children playing outside and I was reminded of a commercial that said “Oh to be like a child again” It had an image of a little girl running in the fields. It made me smile but on that walk, God brought it to my remembrance. I started to read up more on what the bible says about children and specifically the passage on what God says about children.
-Psalm 127:3-5 Children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior
-Genesis 33:5 Children are graciously given from God
-Matthew: 21: 15-16 Children recognized Jesus greatness (there is something about them that sees things as plain as they are)
-Matthew: 21: 15-16 Teach your children about God and they will praise him
-Psalm 8:2 The praise of Children is like a weapon of war through their praise he establishes strongholds and silences the enemy
-Matthew 18: 2-6-Children are welcome in the presence of God and the countenance is referenced by Jesus on how we can enter into his kingdom
-Matthew 18:10- Don’t despise little ones, they have a closer connection with God
-Mark 10:13-16 Jesus blesses little children
-Proverbs 22: 6 Train up a child in the way of God and when they grow they will not depart
-Proverbs 22:15 Discipline a child to drive away foolish and spoiled behavior
-Deuteronomy 6:7 Talk to children about God and tell them of all the things he has done. Find ways in the morning evening and afternoon to impress God on their hearts and to talk to them about him
-Mark 9:36-37 Jesus encouraged us to welcome children to him and draw them to him
(Other passages about training up a child-Colossians 3:20, Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 1:8-9, Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1-4)
In all of this, it reminds me that the innocence of a child should be protected and welcomed by God. Oh to be like a child again with openness and faith and joy and a free spirit. Not being tainted by the world but seeing things as they are. Being trusting of God and parents that what they say they will do, they will do. I feel like at that moment God was asking me to be like a child again and trust him and know that I am like an arrow because I am a child of his hands and sensitive to his spirit and presence.
This was fun. Until next time :)
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