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This World

reflections Oct 22, 2020

This year has been filled with a lot of emotions and in the midst of the blessings, there was also so much sorrow and pain. Sorrow and pain that is not singular to me but collectively shared with my brothers and sisters around the world. From the pandemic to people losing their loved ones, to the social injustice and then now paralyzing news coming from my country Nigeria about police brutality peaceful protests that ended in a pre-meditated massacre at the Lekki Tollgate in Lagos. It is a lot.


When I watched the videos, my heart gripped with fear, then sadness, then anger, then this crippling feeling that I there was nothing I could do, and there was a pain in my heart as I wept out loud and asked how this could be happening to my home country filled with so much promise but held captive by bad leaders. I haven’t prayed for my country as much as I have this year, I have never been intentional about speaking life over it but I am now. The truth is I don’t know if there will be any justice procedures from the government but I do know that Nigeria and Nigerians will rise up better from this, we are a light on a hill a city set on a hill and we can not be hidden


It hurts, but I have hope….however little, I have it and I will keep holding on to it.


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